About Us

What We Do

The Miaan Group was founded in 2019 to provide legal and technical expertise, research, and advocacy support to organizations working on human rights in Iran and the wider Middle East. Over the past few years, Miaan has grown into a leading Iran-focused human rights organization. Our efforts focus primarily on human rights policy, digital rights, and the rights of all groups in society, particularly those that have been the focus of unfair laws and securitization.

Miaan’s team is composed of lawyers, technologists, researchers, human rights advocates, and journalists with deep subject matter expertise and years of experience. We specialize in working with local networks inside Iran along with diaspora-based human rights defenders to develop advocacy campaigns, provide capacity building and mentoring, and deliver digital security assistance.

Miaan is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit entity headquartered in Austin with staff and activities across North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia.

Theory of Change

Miaan understands that true transformation is best made through supporting civil society and social movements working within their countries and communities to mobilize and advocate for human rights. Sustainable improvements to human rights are made locally and, like saplings, come from the ground up, nurtured by local actors and communities.

For this reason, Miaan’s theory of change prioritizes strengthening human rights defenders, journalists, activists, civil society organizations, and local movements to initiate bottom up change. We do this by:

  • Providing the information, education, and tools necessary for advocacy and community mobilization toward better human rights conditions.
  • Promoting secure online spaces and circumventing censorship to ensure free communication and access to information.
  • Encouraging international actors and institutions to adopt policies that empower local change makers.
  • Working to ensure that civil society and human rights defenders do not remain hidden and are brought to local and international attention.


We believe through safeguarding vulnerable communities will further the rights of all. Miaan strives to take into account the layered positions of the individuals and groups we work with and to work with them to create and implement effective programs.  Our aim is to ensure these groups are best positioned to advocate and safeguard their own rights and those of their communities.

Moreover, Miaan understands that the internet and digital communications have become essential to any form of civic action. In turn, many of Miaan’s efforts focus on safeguarding the various facets of digital rights including unhindered access, privacy and security, and non-discrimination.

Our Team

Mani Mostofi

Executive Director

Amir Rashidi

Director of Digital Rights & Security

Robin Walker

Head of Operations & Finance

Denna Millet

Senior Program Manager

Pouyesh Azizeddin

Senior Researcher & Producer

Narges Keshavarznia

Social Media

Nazanin Kaynejad

Human Rights Researcher

Louis Shakibi


Madeh Nazari

Human Rights Researcher

Parvaneh Vahidmanesh

Podcast Producer Assistant

Azar Jaberi

Helpdesk Incident Handler

Vahid Lalipour

Helpdesk Incident Handler

Work With Us

While the Miaan Group doesn’t always have open positions, we are always interested in discovering potential contributors. If your values and experience overlap with ours and you are interested in working for human rights in the regions we address, send us a resume and short cover letter.


Miaan offers unpaid internships that provide valuable mentorship and allow people to learn more about working with the issues that they care about. If you would like to work on human rights issues in any of the following areas, send us a short cover letter and your resume:

  • Human rights research 
  • Social media 
  • Advocacy
  • Digital security services

Our Partners

Miaan in the Media

Iranian Hackers Found Way Into Encrypted Apps, Researchers Say

September 18, 2020

If Biden Actually Wants to Help Iranians, There's an Easy Way To Do

Nov 1, 2021

Iran’s Sweeping Internet Blackouts Are a Serious Cause For Concern

September 24, 2022

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