The Iranian government employs various tools, including digital surveillance, to suppress dissent and monitor citizens. These efforts intensified following nationwide protests related to the Women, Life, Freedom movement. Authorities are using technology to stifle opposition and reinforce ideological control. The Miaan Group report The Internet in the Women, Life, Freedom Era analyzes Iran’s increasing internet censorship and surveillance. It highlights the development of the National Information Network (NIN), a state-controlled intranet designed to limit access to global content and enhance government control.
Summary: The Internet in the Women, Life, Freedom Era
The report shows the Iranian government’s targeted restrictions on women’s online activities. It shows broader efforts to regulate gender roles and suppress activism. Iranian authorities do this by monitoring social media, censoring feminist discourse, and criminalizing digital dissent. Additionally, the report explores how state-backed cyber forces use digital platforms for disinformation campaigns and psychological intimidation to weaken opposition movements. These digital repression tactics violate human rights as well as isolate Iranian society from global online interactions.
The report concludes with policy recommendations for European governments and international organizations to counter Iran’s digital authoritarianism. It suggests stronger diplomatic pressure, enhanced cybersecurity support for Iranian users, and innovative technological solutions to bypass government censorship. By fostering digital resilience and providing safe access to information, external stakeholders can help mitigate the effects of Iran’s internet suppression and support grassroots movements advocating for freedom and democracy.
National Information Network (NIN): A Tool for Control
Initiated after the 2009 “Green Movement,” the NIN aims to isolate Iranian users from the global internet, granting authorities extensive control over content and user data. This infrastructure supports domestic services and platforms, reducing reliance on international bandwidth and enabling more effective monitoring of online activities.
Internet Access Restrictions and Public Response
The Iranian government uses various tactics to limit internet access, including filtering content, shutting down the internet during crises, and promoting domestic platforms over international ones. In response, users have turned to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), satellite connections, and other circumvention tools to maintain access to global information.
Targeted Surveillance: Women and Public Morality
Facial recognition and other surveillance technologies are utilized to enforce social norms, particularly targeting women. Applications such as the Nazer app enable citizens to report perceived violations, furthering the state’s surveillance capabilities. Content creators, especially women, face increased scrutiny and pressure to conform to state-imposed moral standards.
Impact of International Sanctions
While intended to pressure the Iranian government, international sanctions have inadvertently affected ordinary citizens’ access to information. Restrictions on global platforms and services have led to a greater dependence on state-controlled alternatives, enhancing the government’s ability to monitor and control online activities.
Recommendations for Enhancing Internet Freedom
To support Iranian society’s right to free expression and access to information, the following measures are recommended:
- Promote internet freedom by advocating for unrestricted internet access in Iran, opposing unjustified censorship and shutdowns.
- Support circumvention tools by Investing in and providing access to technologies that help users bypass internet restrictions and connect with the global community.
- Reassess sanctions impact to ensure they do not inadvertently strengthen the government’s control over the internet. Policies should be tailored to minimize adverse effects on citizens’ access to information.
By implementing these strategies, the international community can play an important role in promoting digital rights and supporting the aspirations of the Iranian people for freedom and democracy.
“The Internet in the Women, Life, Freedom Era: Iran’s Progress in Censorship and Surveillance – and Options for European Policymakers” was produced with support from the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES).