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2024 Iran Cyber Threat Intelligence Report

The "Iran Cyber Threat Intelligence Report: The Silent War Against Ethnic Minorities and Civil Society" by Filterwatch examines cyberattacks, content
UN Geneva

United Nations Human Rights Council Must Hold a Special Session on Iran

Miaan Group joins over 40 human rights organizations to demand meaningful action to hold the Islamic Republic of Iran accountable
Torn wire fence with an icon of a hand pressing a button for access

ITU Must Press Iran on Internet Shutdowns, Not Enable Them

In this statement to Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin of ITU, Miaan Group and 15 other civil society organizations express deep concern
A system of nodes with broken connections

The Crackdown on Iran’s People of Sistan and Baluchestan Through Targeted Internet Shutdowns Must Stop Now!

Protests in Zahedan lead to recurring internet shutdowns.
Kurdish woman with long black hair, hands raised above head with the victory signal.

Iran’s Year of Defiance and Repression: How One Woman’s Death Sparked a Nationwide Uprising

The “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement sparked nationwide protests, met with state violence, mass arrests, and executions.
Stenciled image of Kurdish-Iranian woman Mahsa Amini with communication nodes in the background

Joint statement: Iran Authorities Must Ensure Internet Access During Protests in Saqqez

During demonstrations over Mahsa Amini’s death (Woman, Life, Freedom), authorities blocked mobile data and restricted apps while government agencies remained

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